Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Remnant Tabs

I haven't made a Too Many Tabs post in a while. That's because the tabs have been so out of control I didn't have the mental energy to wrangle them into a post or a series of posts.

Well, today I threw 50 or 70 links — unread — into bookmark folders (gulp), and now I'm going to share the ones that didn't fit into the folders. I also closed another 20 or 30 outright.

First I'm going to tell you the folder names, so you won't see any articles on these topics today:

  • Transportation and Cities
  • Climate and Environment
  • Privilege and Racism
  • Fascism and the Right
  • Blog Ideas (that one is vague, but it contains tabs for which I had an idea for single post when I first read it)

Here are the tabs that didn't belong in any of those categories. I have not read these but they look interesting and I want to be able to find them later.

Joel Salatin's Unsustainable Myth from Mother Jones back in November 2020. "His go-it-alone message made him a star of the food movement. Then a young Black farmer dug into what he was really saying."

From Strong Towns: Multigenerational Living Isn't Immigrant Culture, It's Human Culture. "My hope is that by thickening up our cities and making meaningful changes to zoning codes, we can ease many peoples’ financial struggles and our epidemic of loneliness."

The look of gentrification by one of my favorite Twitter writers, Darrel Owens (@idothethinking). "If you think of gentrification as coffee shops and bike lanes then you don't understand gentrification at all. It's about what's inside, not outside."

What are the five dimensions of curiosity? From Psychology Today.

America's long (unaddressed) history of class. From WNYC's "On the Media" back in March 2016. Before Trump "won" the election.

Also from spring 2016, Anil Dash on The Immortal Myths About Online Abuse. "After building online communities for two decades, we’ve learned how to fight abuse. It’s a solvable problem. We just have to stop repeating the same myths as excuses not to fix things."

Anand Giridharadas interviewed economist Stephanie Kelton about the "deficit myth," Modern Monetary Theory for dummies, and why the age of capital may finally be ending. The Trillion-Dollar Woman.

"This American Life" from November 2018: But That's What Happened. As they describe it, "Stories of women in unsettling situations. When they try to explain what’s wrong, they’re told that they don’t understand—that there’s nothing unsettling about it."

A lecture (YouTube video) by historian Heather Cox Richardson on how the gilded age created the progressive era. We can only hope.

From Press Watch, January 2021: What the next generation of editors need to tell their political reporters. "First of all, we’re going to rebrand you. Effective today, you are no longer political reporters (and editors); you are government reporters (and editors). That’s an important distinction, because it frees you to cover what is happening in Washington in the context of whether it is serving the people well, rather than which party is winning."

From the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Keeping NYC Land Out of Corporate Hands — Episode 118 of Building Local Power. Looking at land banks and land trusts, particularly.

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