Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Stop Line 3, Wednesday

Photos from this afternoon at Treaties Not Tar Sands, Minnesota State Capitol.

As I arrived before the scheduled time, I saw the teepees that were erected on the State Capitol lawn:

I had seen photos of the teepees in the past couple of days, but in person they are even more affecting as a reminder that this is stolen land. I know that, deeply know it, but still — the teepees with that quintessentially European dome in the background hit me hard.

Water protectors, some who had walked half a million steps from the Mississippi headwaters, arrived leading a long procession.  


Many people were dressed in orange clothing of one type or another. The large crowd was silent.

The banner carriers who had led the marchers walked to the base of the State Capitol steps and stood with their fists raised for a long time.

This is what they were looking at:

Yes, those are Jersey barriers with chain link above. A few days earlier, the Capitol was re-enclosed and declared off-limits to the public, and about a hundred state troopers were on the grounds for the day. I don't know why the lower set of steps were fenced off, rather than just the building and higher steps. The lower steps have historically been an important site of public demonstrations at the Capitol, since their height makes it possible for people to see speakers and for sound to carry better. (Of course, I don't know why the fence is needed at all, but the enclosure of the lower steps added to the unreasonableness.)

Some other scenes:


More banners from the march were laid onto the drought-parched grass, flanking the closed stairs.


Caution: Treaty Rights in Progress.

Someone dressed up as the Enbridge Corporation, ready to clean up oil spills with a basket of wipes and a feather duster. And yes, that is Winona LaDuke in the hat in the background, being interviewed by a member of the media.


What can you do?

Write to the Army Corps of Engineers to demand a full environmental impact statement.

Write to Joe Biden to tell him to stop Line 3.

Check ResistLine3 and the hashtag #stopline3 for the most recent updates on Twitter.


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