Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Door County, 2021

In between climate crisis discussions, I did visit some sights and sites in Door County, Wisconsin, during that recent family reunion. 

We were up at the far end of the peninsula, so here are a few images in roughly chronological order from places there and on Washington Island. That's a ferry ride off the end of the mainland, so the remotest part of the remote area. (Except that other island that's another ferry ride further north, I guess, or the other islands that you have to canoe or kayak to.)

Yes, they try for picturesque in Door County, and often achieve it. Ellison Bay, on the west side of the north end.

Living in the past in the general store in Ellison Bay. Made in China, in case you were wondering.

There's a post office on Washington Island, clearly designed and built in the 1960s.

I'm sad that someone thought this giant Adirondack chair outside a gelato shop on Washington Island had to include a sticker reading "NOTICE – Not responsible for accidents or injuries."

Maybe that sticker was necessary because it was just down the way from a restaurant that serves Fresh Lawyers? No, that's not it. Lawyers (as I learned on this trip) are a kind of fish in Lake Michigan. (Also called burbot or eelpout; scientific name: Lota lota.) They were not in season, however... too warm, the people at the restaurant said.

One final image from a coffee shop in Bailey's Harbor on the east side of the peninsula, as we were heading out after the reunion ended on Sunday. A sign of these covid times. 


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