Saturday, July 3, 2021

At a Yard Sale

I went to my first post-pandemic (post-pandemic?) yard sale on Friday, so you can expect a couple of posts related to things I saw there. The person who was selling is moving, and she's been in her house for a while, plus I think has a lot of stuff from her dad, who lived in the neighborhood as well. So that means there were lots of odds and ends from the mid-20th century.

For today I'll post photos of some of the packaging and logos I saw. Tomorrow (and probably an additional day) will be devoted to a book I picked up about the 100th anniversary of Minneapolis, which was published in 1956.


I assume this can would "clean up" very nicely. I love the tiny little mule team, and the expanded serif type with script between — CLEANS dirty HANDS. (As if you'd want to clean clean hands?)


Reader, I bought the game. 


These two boxes — for staples and typewriter cleaner — are both so nicely designed.


Typewriter ribbons came in metal tins!


When I first saw the Mouli-Julienne box, I thought for a split second it was a model of the moon lander. 


This heavy metal tool was unremarkable but I liked the H&S logo.

This section front from the Taste section of the Star Tribune is more recent than mid-century (1982), and it wasn't for sale. It had been used to wrap one of the items, I guess, and had been in storage since then. But it harkens back to a lost era of newspapers as much as these other items do for their technologies or cultural enterprises.

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