Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tell Amy No

It looks like our Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is planning to vote yes to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which is planned to transport the Canadian tar sands oil (like butter only toxic) to the Gulf of Mexico, where it can be refined and shipped all over the world.

Apparently Klobuchar isn't sure about the connection between tar sands and climate change. But thank goodness she has proven she can tell a joke, which is the only piece of news I saw about her in today's paper.

This is the downside of having a member of Congress who thinks her seat is safe: She votes for big business interests instead of what's needed for our future. If she votes for the pipeline, I hope a real Democrat steps forward to challenge her for her seat.

And I hope all of my Minnesota readers will call Amy Klobuchar at 202-224-3244 to ask her not to approve the Keystone XL tar sand pipeline.

If you can, rally at her Minneapolis office at 2 p.m. tomorrow, Monday, March 18, at 1200 Washington Avenue South, Room 250. Even if it snows.

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