Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Which Other Door?

I tried to enter a fast-food restaurant today at lunch. There was a pair of doors, and I (being an American, drive-on-the-right-side pedestrian) pulled on the right door handle. Which got me nowhere. There were two guys waiting somewhat patiently behind me. Flustered, I pulled on the right-side door again, thinking, This place can't be closed at this time of day.

No dice. So I tried the left-side door, which opened.

I have no idea why they had one of their main entrance doors locked. It was probably just an oversight during unlocking, since there wasn't a sign to tell customers to use the other door.

But in the case of a broken door, even if you put up a sign saying "Use other door," there can be a bit of confusion as to which door is the other door. Or at least that appears to have been the case for this set of doors I recently saw during a visit to Washington state:

Paired glass doors one with a sign that says Use other door, with an arrow added over the words That one
I imagine the sign was modified after the receptionist, who sits just inside the door, saw one too many people pulling on the left door.

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