Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dual Collections in Milwaukee

During a recent trip to Milwaukee, I spied their groovy recycling/trash receptacles in the downtown area.

Blue and green side-by-side metal square cans with arced tops, one with a large opening at top and the other with four smaller holes
The side-by-side, color-contrasted containers were what first caught my eye.

Side of the blue recycling container with scroll-work cutaways
But the scrolly Victorian details on the side are what stuck with me.

I wonder how effective they are at collecting recyclables and keeping them separate from the trash? Presenting the user with four separate holes on the recycling container (versus one big maw on the trash can) probably helps to make users think for a second before they toss trash into the recycling. Unfortunately, I'll bet there are still a fair number of recyclables in the trash.

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