Tuesday, December 10, 2024

"We Got a Present"

It's probably no surprise that I hate everything about crypto. I've had the word muted on every social media where that was possible.

My original objection came from climate concerns: the computing power needed for crypto is a complete waste of energy and water, not to mention the embodied carbon of the computers and buildings in the server farms. 

But it's also a Ponzi scheme scam set up for sociopaths to prey upon the weak, and now it's getting worse, as the incoming Trump administration plans to create a U.S. government-backed reserve with our tax money, shoveling it over to rich crypto-holders.

This 8.5-minute video from Chris Hayes lays it out. The "present" in this post's title refers to a bill already introduced in the U.S. Senate to create a federal crypto reserve:

As Hayes says, the plan would "turn a speculative asset into real cash on your dime... It's an enormous heist."


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