Saturday, April 13, 2024

No Luck with the Eclipse

Unlike just about everyone else, I didn't mention the eclipse the other day, which probably implies that it was a nonevent.

Aside from the fact that coverage of the sun, when viewed from the Twin Cities, was about 75%, it was also fully overcast here. I went outside at the height of it and I couldn't tell the difference between that time and 10 minutes earlier and 10 minutes later, or a half hour earlier or later. 

This lack of change does not make me a skeptic of others' experiences, who were in the path of totality where the skies were clear. I saw the photos, and heard their reports.

But it does make me think of my experiences with door-prize drawings where there are decent odds of winning (compared to lotteries, for example), and how I never win.

It also made this cartoon from The Oatmeal my new favorite thing.

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