Thursday, April 11, 2024

Another Kind of Bodily Autonomy

Back in late February, I forgot to post this graphic essay by Aubrey Hirsch, called The Consequences of (Not So) Casual Sexual Assault.

She starts by pointing out some of the more recognized disproportionate burdens women bear (lower wages, more of the work at home, financial and health burdens of reproduction), and then moves on to her main topic: the burden of unwanted touching. 

When you've been taught you are unsafe in public space, it's hard to say what effect that has on you. Depending on how young you are when it first happens to you, and of course how bad it is, that compounds it further. 

The vast majority of men have no idea what this is like to have as your reality. Assuming they are not men who perpetrate it, most of them have little or no idea that it happens.

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