Thursday, December 21, 2023

Fie on Goodness

Do you know the Lerner and Lowe musical Camelot?

I grew up listening to the album on vinyl, and know all the words to every song. It probably inspired my love of Arthurian myth, which continued as far as a college English course that included all of the different texts from Geoffrey of Monmouth onward. 

Lately, I've had the song "Fie on Goodness" stuck in my head. It's used in the musical to show the unrest among Arthur's knights, who lead to the downfall of the Round Table when the affair between Lancelot and Guinevere is revealed.

But I've been noticing that its early 1960s lyrics are a foreshadowing of too many people (mostly men) on the Right, who belittle people for virtue signaling and being "social justice warriors."

I think the song was meant as a parody of men who were jerks, but these days a bunch of people have all but taken it up as a theme song.

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