Thursday, November 2, 2023

Wall Face in a Hospital

I spent some time in a hospital over the past week visiting a relative, and when you're in places like medical centers you see odd little instances of lack of repair. In this case, it's one of those bits of damage that occur in buildings that turn into something else through public participation:

The small holes are near the back-swing of a door, but I don't think they were created by the door since they didn't line up with the door handle. I couldn't see anything that would have done the damage, but clearly it was from something in motion. 

The curved divot below the circles isn't pink, but in contrast with the neutral wall color it seems pink, like the inside of a mouth.

Then some creative person who shares my pareidolia bug added a curlicue of hair above, and the face was there for all to enjoy.

I'm not sure what the line below adds to the picture, but I can ignore it for this little bit of cheeriness hidden on a hospital wall.

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