Friday, October 30, 2020

Thank You, Tom Toles

Washington Post political cartoonist Tom Toles announced his retirement today, and ran his last cartoon after a 50-year career that started at his college newspaper:

So I guess that makes him somewhere around 70 years old. Thanks for all of the thought and too-often painful laughs along the way. I used to read him daily during my three years in Washington, 1983–1986, and my readership has been much more spotty since then. 

Here are the cartoons that have appeared on this blog over the years, some because I saw them on Twitter or other social media, and many others because they were reprinted in the Star Tribune:

(That one is from 2008... could have been written today!)

A couple on climate change:

Here's one that I ran with each frame enlarged for better readability during the Great Recession in 2008:

From 2012, after Newtown:

From 2016:

And finally, two cartoons about the overall American condition:

Thank you, Tom. I hope you get a chance to enjoy retirement with friends and family.


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