Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stephen Miller Should Resign

Of course, Stephen Miller should resign after the revelation about his white supremacist emails (and he should never have been appointed in the first place)... but that reality is essentially lost in the ongoing firestorm of impeachment and everything else running us toward hell in a handbasket.

But a couple of recent tweets brought it to front of mind for me. Jennifer Mendelsohn reminded me of the Van Jones controversy in 2009 (remember that!)...

Remember when Mike Pence called for Stephen Miller to resign or be fired because "his extremist views and coarse rhetoric have no place in this Administration or the public debate?" Oh wait. No. Sorry. That was Pence talking about Van Jones in 2009.

"Can the American people trust a senior White House official that is so cavalier in his association with such radical and repugnant sentiments?" asked GOP Senator Kit Bond at the time.
What did Van Jones do or say that was so repugnant, compared to what Miller has done?

He had called Republicans assholes (before he was appointed).

Jones didn't say Republicans didn't have a right to be in the country or are subhuman or any of the other implications of Miller's white supremacist writings and views. He basically said Republicans are jerks.  

And Oh. My. God. Get this Pence quote from Politico at the time and filter it through the current administration's way of doing things:
"Given recent revelations concerning the associations and statements of the president's green jobs czar, Van Jones should resign his position and if he is unwilling to do so, the president should demand his resignation. His extremist views and coarse rhetoric have no place in this Administration or the public debate," Pence said. "The Constitution of the United States vests Congress with the responsibility to advise and consent in the appointment of high ranking officials by the president. To date, President Obama has appointed more than thirty individuals to ‘czar’ positions within his Administration without permitting the Congress or the American people to properly examine their backgrounds or public records."
Mulligan has all sorts of people serving in acting positions who have not been through Senate confirmation. And of course Miller (while not called a "czar") is essentially the czar of immigration policy.

Yes, I know pointing out the Right's hypocrisy does no good. But add this to the pile of reasons to vote them all out in 2020.

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