Sunday, September 29, 2019

1845 in Song

One of the NPR weekend shows that's heard on some stations around the country and not others is a quiz show called Ask Me Another. It appears to be an obvious attempt to reach Generation X and Millennials, bringing the average listener age down a few decades.

The show from this weekend was recorded in Austin, Texas, and this part was a musical quiz with lyrics and adapted music by Jonathan Coulton. The songs are all describing something that happened in 1845 in the U.S. (which is also the year Texas became a state, so that's the tie-in to the show's location this week).

The whole thing is worth listening to — the quiz starts at the 2:15 mark — but the songs at 5:15 and 6:35 (out of the total 7:30 minutes) are the best.

I wish I could embed it as a player it here, but their site just doesn't appear to be set up for that. So I hope you'll click over and listen to it. It made me smile.

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