Sunday, June 23, 2019

Art Cars Uber Back to the Fifties

This weekend it was Back to the Fifties time at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, so thousands of vintage cars were being driven around the streets nearby, which is sometimes entertaining but more often disruptive.

My second worst experience was being caught in an impromptu traffic jam/parade at 7:55 a.m. on Friday when a dozen or more hot rods were waiting to cross a thoroughfare at an intersection where there isn't a traffic light. After a few minutes of absolute standing still (while on a deadline), I K-turned away from the exhaust in my face and took a different route.

The worst experience was today when I was following two World War II-era pickup trucks tricked out to belch coal-black smoke from fat pipes. On purpose. They made me want to have the whole event done away with immediately.

As an antidote, I present an art car I saw recently:

Breathe breathe breathe as long as you're not right next to a car or truck that's rolling coal.

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