It don't write about Mulligan much on here any more, I really don't. But this, from the Washington Post five days ago, which I saw just this morning when it was reprinted in the Star Tribune... the pettiness... I just...
In 2011, days after Donald Trump challenged President Barack Obama to “show his records” to prove that he hadn’t been a “terrible student,” the headmaster at New York Military Academy got an order from his boss: Find Trump’s academic records and help bury them.By now, in 2019, we know Michael Cohen claims Mulligan had him threaten multiple academic institutions to hide grades and college entrance test scores. The quotes in the Post story provide at least partial confirmation of this scenario. Mulligan's high school was definitely asked by someone (they won't say who) to hide his grades where no one could find them.
Mulligan has said he " 'heard I was first in my class' at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton business program, where he finished his undergraduate degree, but Trump’s name does not appear on the school’s dean’s list or on the list of students who received academic honors in his class of 1968." Odd how you can do well at a school that has public records of their best students and not be on the list. Hmm.
In the meantime, someone started circulating an image of a supposed Fordham transcript of Mulligan's grades, but it's clearly not real since a mid-1960s document like that wouldn't have been typeset. Duh:

I especially appreciate how the student's name is larger and bold, while the address is smaller and not bold... as if the registrar would think of doing something like that even today, let alone in 1965.
A mid-1960s transcript would be lucky if it was printed on a dot-matrix printer (like the ones I got in the late 1970s/early 1980s). More likely, it would have been a typed carbon copy.
I've been trying to piece together whether Mulligan's attack on Obama's grades and the move to hide his own grades started before or after the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner when Obama skewered Trump. I just wasn't paying attention to the fool in the golden tower at the time. I'm betting it was after.
1 comment:
Obviously a fake. But even if it looked appropriately dot-matrix-y: it’s far more likely that courses would have been identified by number, or maybe by number and short title. And as a Fordham grad, I’m pretty sure, though not certain, that “The Jesuit University of New York” is recent branding.
Fordham, in my mid-to-late-1970s experience, was an exceedingly demanding academic environment. I can’t imagine many profs who would have tolerated Trump’s fakery (and, I suspect, academic misconduct). I would like to think that Trump’s miserable academic performance in the Bronx is what made him flee to an Ivy.
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