Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Peek at Some Antiques

If you're ever near Owego, N.Y., and you like antiques, be sure to visit Old Owego. Here are a few things I saw there recently.

Look at this early 1970s classic, identifiable as such from the tightly set Bookman with swashes... 

I wonder if Rachel Maddow knows about this?

Continuing in the political vein, here's an over-sized MAGA button from an earlier era:

The rest of the finds were from even earlier in the 20th century and nonpolitical:

Go co-op!

A beautifully designed English game from the 1960s.

I love the red and yellow lettering on this metal cabinet.

This salve is for man or beast.

From a time when local bakeries still delivered their goods in wooden crates.

An early game (which I've never heard of) from Parker Brothers.


Michael Leddy said...

I like seeing all of these.

That disgraced and now pretty much forgotten politician is a good reminder that all things must pass — and will, including the present Oval Office occupant.

An Amish bulk-foods store about thirty miles from us has salves in similarly ornate old-timey cans. It amazes me that such stuff is still made. It must be for a pretty small market.

Daughter Number Three said...

It makes me think of Bag Balm, which I discovered back in the mid-1980s. Made for cows' udders but used by humans for dry skin. Very ornate can, still made today, I believe.