It’s Twitter time again. This month I'm writing on Halloween 2018. We’ve just had a hellacious week or so in American history. Last time I wrote one of these, the Kavanaugh hearings were still underway… remember those? So long ago.
The first topic is immigration, including the asylum-seekers still a thousand miles from the U.S. border:
Trump is putting an army the size of the one in Afghanistan at the border. What a waste of money and people’s time. Talk about kneeling before football games all you want, this is the real disrespect to troops.Note: Several other tweets about the asylum seekers were listed in an earlier post, Everything to Fear and Fear Itself.
Jared Yates Sexton
Stanford's Institute for Economic Policy estimates that 320,000 mostly Latino children nationwide are not enrolling in public schools for fear of stronger ICE enforcement. This creates lasting impacts on their educational attainment, upward mobility.
Kim-Mai Cutler
This is what your grandparents' caravan looked like:
Stanley Cohen
"No longer separating asylum-seeking children from their parents and putting them into concentration camps." That seems like a pretty good reason to vote. I'm unclear why anyone needs additional motivation.
David Roberts
They went after DACA recipients. They went after asylum seekers.
They went after migrant children. They tried to cut “legal” immigration.
They went after US residents.
Now they’re trying to end birthright citizenships.
They’re not gonna stop until we stop them. Please VOTE!
Erika Andiola
I'm not usually a fan of calling things you don't like "unamerican." But attacking the Fourteenth Amendment? That's unamerican. It's an explicit repudiation of what's best in us as a nation.
If 7,000 migrants, 1,000 miles from our border, require over 5,000 troops to “protect” us, then I say the 56 million students in our public schools should have a lot more than 3 million teachers to educate them.
Ken Olin
America takes in over a million people every year. The less-than-5,000 in the caravan aren't even two days of normal in-processing. It's entirely propaganda and it's odious.
People are acting like “migrant” is a term of art with some sort of clearly defined distinction from “immigrant.” It’s not! It’s just been coded as a racial term by white supremacists, which is why it “feels” different to you. e.g., there are no migrants from Canada or the UK. Even if "immigrant" doesn't seem right, we also have a word for people who left their country of origin looking for asylum or refuge: refugee. "Refugee" tells us something about causation - that a person is in need. "Migrant" implies intrinsic rootlessness - an invading force. SERIOUSLY, STOP SAYING “MIGRANTS.” “Immigrant” means the exact same thing, but doesn’t have the connotation of statelessness or pestilence. There is a reason Steve Bannon, Mike Pompeo, and European neo-Nazis exclusively use the former term!
Will Stancil
So today Kavanaugh pretty much said the federal government can detain immigrants indefinitely without bail hearings, that their power to do so is unfettered and in fact intended to be harsh in its application. Even fellow Trump appointee, Gorsuch, seemed troubled.
Rebecca J. Kavanagh
Anti-semitism (that’s a new topic as of this round-up… unfortunately, it's necessary this month):
Just popping in to remind everyone Wikileaks’ Julian Assange is a stone cold anti-Semite. Once when he got mad about me not publishing smear documents on Adrian Lamo, he called me “worse than a Jew.”On the so-called MAGA bomber, his attempted assassinations, plus all of the other violence this week:
If you can’t exercise your right to worship without being surrounded by armed guards, you don’t have the right to worship.
Seth Masket
For what it’s worth, Soros pulled himself up by his bootstraps (unlike Trump) to earn billions (unlike Trump), then charitably donate 80% of his wealth (unlike Trump) to fight repression, bigotry and corruption (unlike Trump), making him feared by authoritarians and kleptocrats (unlike Trump).
Tom Perriello
People who are sick of hearing these stories [about anti-semitism and other oppressions] are not actually listening to them
The worst anti-Semitic massacre in American history took place today.
Jeet Heer
Trump, justifying his decision to hold a rally tonight [after the shooting in Pittsburgh], claims that the New York Stock Exchange opened the day after 9/11 and "people were shocked." It was closed until six days after the attack.
Daniel Dale
Reminder: the worst anti-Semitic killing of American Jews in history took place days after the worst wave of attempted political assassinations in the country’s history. Are we safer in Donald Trump’s America?
Jon Reinish
There were more than three dozen unsolved racially motivated bombings in Birmingham during the Civil Rights era. Authorities would often accuse victims of planting the bombs.On protest, elections generally, and how to deal with all of this hell-in-a-hand-basket:
Trump is not a la carte. You don’t get to pick what you like about him — like judges and tax cuts — and pass on the hateful, violent rhetoric. If you support him and help maintain him in office, you’re supporting the whole package: the hate, the division and the stoking of violence.
Adam Jentleson
Robert Bowers and Cesar Sayoc.
Not immigrants who came on a caravan.
Not Muslims.
Not refugees.
Not black men who kneel to protest police brutality.
Not women angry at Kavanaugh.
Not Mexican invaders.
Angry, homegrown American men inspired to violence due to an ideology of hate.
Wajahat Ali
A white man tried to attack a black church and murdered two black people.
A MAGA fanatic tried to assassinate leading figures in the Democratic party.
An anti-semite murdered eight people in a synagogue.
This is just this week, and it's devastating.
The "caravan " is not a threat to US security. Crazies inspired by hateful messages mailing bombs to former presidents and others — that's a real threat to American national security.
Michael McFaul
The real threat... (cartoon by @Rob_Rogers):
Andrew Stroehlein
I just asked that my political opponents and the press be punched, beaten, occasionally body slammed, and imprisoned. I had no idea some crazy person would resort to violence.
Radley Balko
“In a democracy, civility is optional. Nonviolence is essential. Which is why condemnations of political violence against their opponents by American presidents must be genuine.”
If a man who attended Black Lives Matter rallies sent out over a dozen bombs to people he politically opposed everyone would be labeled a terrorist!
DL Hughley
*Two* bombs sent to Maxine Waters. As twisted as this whole situation is, and as terrifying as it must be for mail carriers, etc., I feel a grim pride in my fellow black woman for apparently being the one the terrorists are *most* scared of.
N. K. Jemisin
Before we move on to the next thing, please remember that our nation suffered a terror attack today, directed mainly at leaders of the opposition party, right before an election. Please consider how this would sound if it happened in another country.
Seth Masket
This whole "both sides are responsible for these bombs" is the logical extension of the argument many white people believe, that a black person or person of color making them feel bad about racism is the same as a white person constructing a racist system.
In an ideal scenario the President of the United States and the worst human being in the world would be two different people.
In organizing our communities for liberation, at what point do we teach on the concept of voting and how to act as a political bloc? I don't see how we wait until the current system collapses to introduce folks to voting if there's interest in having a post-revolution democracy.Plus there were quite a number specifically on voter suppression:
Bree Newsome
What concerns me most about folks saying "voting doesn't solve anything" is that it misunderstands what the function of voting is. Voting is about choosing or changing leadership, making decisions on budget matters, referendums, etc. It's one form of participation in a democracy. Even on the day that we achieve an actual functioning democracy in this world, voting will not be a "solution." Organizing and protest will (and should) still be occurring in a healthy democracy. I'm concerned about our ability to achieve it without understanding the building blocks.
Bree Newsome
“Historically, the most terrible things — war, genocide, and slavery — have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” –Howard Zinn
Haymarket Books
The dignity of my life and my right to exist are not a distraction to me. Also, they may be used as a tool of a bigoted leader to try to win political influence. Recognize the second. But please do not erase the first.
Republican Party = port-o-potty fire of racism and misogyny:
Paul Thomas
unpopular opinion: if your nation devolved into civil war within the first century after the creation of your constitution, then maybe your constitution wasn't that fire to begin with.
The precursor ingredients of fascism, like those of meth, are as ordinary as they are toxic. You can cook it up anywhere. Don't make the all-too-common mistake of regarding fascism as an *exotic* extreme of human evil.
William Gibson
It's ok to admit that America is falling apart. The America we all knew is dying. I don't think we should be focused on "saving" America as much as creating a new society. That will take hard work to confront ugly truths and build a new way of being an American. America's past is at war with America's future. Our task is to help the future win. Help the youth win a society that practices racial equity and social justice. Our task is to teach our history honestly and understand where America failed in becoming "great" in the first place. Maybe we need to change the name. Rewrite the Constitution. Give Native people their land back and see if they will allow us to stay and build something new. But let's be clear: this brutal nation was never meant by God to exist forever and forever without a reckoning.
"No voting on who gets to be people." - N.K. Jemisin, "The Obelisk Gate"
(I think about this quote a lot. It sums up so much in so few words.)
Maria Haskins
It's always assumed Real Americans' political views are informed by what they experience in their daily lives, but one of the things that Real Americans do in their daily lives is watch a lot of political rhetoric on TV
Will Stancil
Tribalism is not the primary cause of democratic dysfunction in the U.S. The extraordinary level of economic power -- and political organization -- that reactionary elites have amassed is.
Eric Levitz
FOUNDING FATHER: we must always have an electoral college and 2 senators per state
ME: ok but what if 40 million people live in california
FOUNDING FATHER (spits out tea prepared by a slave): there’s HOW many people in WHAT
Ben Rosen
Be nice to canvassers because...
please don't say 'things have never been this bad' if you actually mean 'things have never been this bad for people like me.’ evil doesn't need to be UNPRECEDENTED!!! to be fought
Saladin Ahmed
Today I learned you could fit three New Jerseys in Minnesota's 8th Congressional district.
Chris Steller
No president since Reagan had raised ANY money for his reelection campaign by this point. Trump: $100 million and counting.
Andy Kroll
Note to country: it’s not “tribalism,” it’s fighting fascism.
Amy Siskind
Important framing point that should be called out when it (very frequently) happens:
-Anger on the left is a sign of indiscipline, disorder, “mob” (Waters, Holder, Booker, ahem…);
-Anger on the right is a peg for 1000 “understanding hatred in the heartland”/“no longer their country” essays
James Fallows
When they say that they just don't like *how* you're protesting it's because they don't like that you're protesting at all. They aren't supposed to like it. That's the point.
Garry Kasparov
Conservatives, at least in the base, are obsessed with (their lurid fantasy of) liberals, in a way that almost transcends politics. Hating and resenting liberals is the axis along which their lives are arranged. It is creepy and pathetic. By way of contrast -- and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this -- if they weren't busy f'ing up the country, I would be happy to never think about cons again, one way or the other. I'd be content to just hang out in cities with people who have made peace with modernity.
David Roberts
If voter fraud is a crime, voter suppression should be as well.On media coverage and media structure:
A core plank of a future Democratic agenda has to be a national voting rights act with teeth. Voter suppression on false pretenses — currently one party’s core electoral strategy—has to be stomped into nothingness.
Ben Wikler
I'm not sure there is anything as fundamentally unpatriotic as attempting to prevent your fellow citizens from voting.
Susan Hennessey [reacting to Brian Kemp purging voters in Georgia]
All these voter purges are a fun reminder that the U.S. was more or less dragged into liberal democracy by the Warren Court and the civil-rights movement, and we can be dragged right back out of it.
Matt Ford
The government: if you’re a tribal resident, you get a PO Box, not a street address.
Also the government: you can only vote with a street address.
THIS is voter suppression, North Dakota.
Brittany Packnett
One way you know “America is fundamentally conservative” is fanfic is that if that were actually true conservatism wouldn’t rely so heavily on restricting the electorate all over the country, including “fundamentally conservative” places like Texas
One party is doing everything it can to discourage, disenfranchise or otherwise suppress the vote. The other party is pushing registration and doing anything it can to get more eligible voters to vote. Is there any question which party represents most Americans?
Steven Beschloss
I know we’re so far from an actual democracy that this has become normalized but it’s still wild to me that states will not allow eligible citizens to vote just because they didn’t register in time for an arbitrary deadline that has no legitimate purpose whatsoever.
Samuel Sinyangwe
We are not a country “deeply divided.” We are a country where an extremist minority has seized power through anti-democratic means and is imposing their will on the majority. Our media’s unwillingness to tell that truth is a massive, unending failure.
Clearly the problem here is that Democrats are excessively “clustered” in a handful of big cities:
Matthew Yglesias
All these takes on how the GOP played this well or the Democrats didn’t are BS. The GOP only has power because of disproportionate representation, voter suppression, gerrymandering, voter suppression and Citizens United. Then they used brute power to override a responsible process. It’s not a matter of political savvy. It’s the mechanics of autocracy in full force. No praise should be given to a party that has systemically undermined the foundational values of the republic to consolidate power. Their “tactics” were but a veneer to mask autocracy. The GOP had the votes because of a handful of small red states. The 5 smallest red states have less than 4 million citizens and yet they have 10 Senators between them. This combined with the removal of the filibuster for SCOTUS put them in a position to run rampant. When you have an electoral college that also allows the GOP to exploit this vast population disparity in repsentation, checks and balances fail because neither the executive nor the legislative branches repsresent the majority of Americans. The ONLY way to curb this autocracy is to override gerrymandering and disproportionate representation is with MASSIVE Dem turnout for both federal and state races so that we’re in a position to turn things around after the 2020 census...
Beau Willimon
Also, if there are more animals than people in your state, you should get one Senator. This is bull. The Dakotas do not both need 2 Senators.
Bärí A. Williams
If someone is a known serial liar and you bring a megaphone to one of their what point do you begin to understand that you are abetting every consequence of those lies?On the killing of Jamal Kashoggi and its aftermath:
thank god we have the totally useless term “populist” which serves to both downplay fascism and lump politicians like Bernie Sanders into the same political category as guys who want to execute homosexuals and expel dissidents
Adam H. Johnson
Matt Lauer: paid $25 million a year
Megyn Kelly: paid $23 million a year
Average U.S. reporter: makes $40,000 a year
Imagine what NBC could do if it did news with its morning shows
This is obvious, I guess, but if you want to cut down on bothsidesism, put people on TV who have subject-matter expertise acquired through reporting or research... not generalists who are asked to opine on a whole bunch of topics they don't really know anything about.
Nate Silver
Some facts about journalists
*40% of all journalists have been laid off in the past decade
*The median reporter makes $40,000 a year
*1,324 journalists have been killed worldwide since 1992
*For every 1 reporter there are 5 PR people able to try to knock you off your story
I hope someone is working on this but probably like 70% of mass consumer, political, and pharmaceutical advertising should be illegal or at least carry a giant MISLEADING / FALSE warning a la cancer label on smokes.
Sarah Smarsh
Sometimes it feels like White journalists are fascinated by White bigots because they were told their whole lives these were historical figures. Trust me. They are much less interesting if you’ve lived with them your whole life.
A funny thing is how often media reports describe minorities fighting for basic constitutional rights as “identity politics” and actual white identity politics is described in euphemism.
The greatest protection the current GOP has is the deep need by many US political institutions (including, but not only, media) to frame politics as a game played by two equivalent sides. Openly, publicly acknowledging that one side is racist and authoritarian blows the model up.
David Roberts
The media and most of the country treats Trump the way some families treat a racist grandpa that no one ever intervenes on. “That’s just Pop Pop, it’s just how he is.” Infinite excuses for perpetual abuse.
Alexis Goldstein
More than 1,800 US newspapers have closed since 2004, leaving expanding "news deserts" with little or no local reporting on public affairs, researchers said in a report. This is no problem, sophisticated techies condescendingly insisted to me for years, because smart people will find new better digital biz models. Except that nobody has for local news -- and their open platforms are now propaganda outlets awash in bigotry and misinformation.
James Temple
joan didion was paid like 4 dollars a word and put up in the ritz to synthesize the world. hunter s thompson got to take 6 months to write an article. there are plenty of people capable of thinking deeply and synthesizing. we're just all stuck pumping out garbage to afford rent :)
Any editor who agrees to publish a "why I'm leaving the GOP" piece should require an explanation of why the author was fine with everything up until this point. Muslim ban. Nazi coddling. Toddler prison camps.
Chloe Angyal
I guess I'm glad that David Frum is now concerned about climate change and Max Boot recognizes the racism underlying contemporary Republican politics, but it's a little galling to see them expect to be celebrated for their newfound knowledge.
One of my Trump-era media pet peeves is when Trump belittles or insults someone and it's described with words like "sparred" or "feud" even though the other person didn't do anything.
Trump claims Saudi arms deal creates 1 million new jobs. Fact-check: the ENTIRE US defense contracting industry employs 335,000 people in the US. Lockheed said the Saudi arms deal would create several hundred new jobs - in Saudi Arabia.Oh, and hey, remember that story about how Mulligan hasn’t paid any taxes, and then there was another story about how Jared Kushner didn’t pay taxes? Yeah.
Indira Lakshmanan
Just a reminder that the "geopolitical centrality" of the Middle East is almost entirely a matter of oil, and the best strategy for America is to stop burning oil ASAP. We have the technical capacity to do this. "Keep it in the ground" also means an end to "wars for oil."
Alex Steffen
Jared Kushner’s millions in real estate depreciates in value and he gets a tax break. My little house appreciates in value according to the government and my taxes double. Explain.There were a few on guns specifically:
Fred Klonsky
It's disgusting that the ultra-wealthy like Jared Kushner can get away with paying no taxes while the rest of us pay our fair share. It's even more disgusting that we've come to accept that the mega rich can get away without paying taxes. If you're not outraged, you should be.
Renato Mariotti
Right-wing America perpetuates the myth that the “takers” are blue states, liberals, immigrants and people of color. In reality, the takers are wealthy people like Kushner and Trump who don’t pay taxes, and red states that take way more from the treasury than they put back in.
Adam Best
Last week, we learned that the President of the United States engaged in fraud to avoid millions of dollars in taxes on his family fortune, yet hardly anyone is talking about it. When a democratic society becomes this inured to corruption, democracy itself is it risk.
Robert Reich
Donald Trump is a masterclass on how American capitalism has always been rigged to serve the wealthy to remain wealthy while screwing everyone else. His life is an indictment of this system and this investigation is a diagnosis of a disease.
Jared Yates Sexton
People don’t cheat on their taxes BECAUSE the rules are complicated. The tax code is complicated BECAUSE wealthy people successfully lobby for loopholes with people like Marco Rubio.
Andy Slavitt
You know what's just beautiful about all this Trump tax fraud stuff? The at least $550 million the Trumps didn't pay in inheritance taxes due to tax evasion and outright fraud? IS MORE THAN TWICE ALL THE SSA FRAUD IN 2012. Y'all freak out about social safety net fraud but...
Make the IRS great again! Effectively and equitably enforcing the tax code is extremely low hanging fruit for new revenue. $1.2 trillion over 10 years pays for some pretty ambitious programs too.
When a Republican tries to tell you gun control made the Holocaust possible, remind them:Racism, white supremacy, and police violence:
1) Jews were 1% of the German population.
2) The Nazis *relaxed* gun laws on the other 99% of the population.
Hitler achieved his agenda not by disarming Jews, but arming everyone else.
Matthew Chapman
Steadily all other amendments are sacrificed to the Second.
Seth Masket
Pittsburgh shooter reported to have owned 21 guns legally registered. Son asks a simple question: Why would anyone need 21 guns?
Susan Glasser
37,000 gun deaths in US a year: let's make it easier to buy guns!
31 cases of voter impersonation since 2000: let's make it harder to vote!
Ari Berman
There are Americans who simultaneously believe that the Founders wanted everyone to have guns so they could shoot the government if need be and that you should always be respectful to the political elite and that's why we're all going to die in gulags.
William K. Wolfman
White nationalist affiliations confirm serious bias, prejudice and pre-disposition towards acts of hatred and violence against poc and should summarily disqualify one from any law enforcement job today!Sexism, misogyny, harassment, sexual assault, including the last of the Kavanaugh tweets:
If you feel that you have to say "the people out here are not racists" about the side you're on... you may need to rethink something.
Robin Garwood
One important effect of the civil rights movements is that it helped establish powerful (if fragile) social taboos around open bigotry. It created new consequences for bigotry where few existed before; prejudice, as they called it, became seen as a kind of moral failing. But. A lot of what happened afterward is that that same bigotry became more euphemized and extenuated in our public life and politics; still that shift gave Black people, and people of color in general, more room to navigate through the world. The corresponding changes you see in white opinion on a host of racial issues post-civil-rights had far less to do with people's souls being touched than it did with changes in social expectation. (And again, segregation was still the material reality of US life.)
We rightly think of antiracism in moral terms, and civil rights leaders and Native rights leaders and radical queer folks use the language of morality to make their arguments. It’s powerful and important to do that. But those movements were *never* primarily concerned with making sure every bigoted person has some profound moral reckoning with their bigotry — shit is too urgent for that — but whether oppressed people have the space to operate and live and get/be free.
That means changing norms. Social norms. Policy norms. Legal norms. And in order for those norms to be affirmed, they need to have consequences.
Gene Demby
White privilege is getting fired for racist comments after being hired despite a history of racist comments and still walking away with $69 million in severance.
Charlotte Clymer [referring to Megyn Kelly]
"I'm not calling Mr. Desantis a racist, I'm simply saying the racists believe he is a racist." — Andrew Gillum at the final debate for Florida Governor
Maybe a bunch of white slave owners from the 1700s did not come up with the best government ever
When people in the US talk about how beautiful "mixed" people are, they're often referring to the fact that someone appears brown but still conforms to white beauty standards. That is not a compliment. That is white supremacy.
"PC" means acting with respect and empathy; it's not about increased sensitivity in this day and age; the idea that living respectfully towards others is somehow diminishing is mind-boggling. I hear "anti-PC" and I hear racism, misogyny, you name it.
Stephanie Belding
If a person who has been sued for racial discrimination [Trump] tells you they're a nationalist, it's ok to assume they mean white nationalist.
Black person here wondering when lynching became synonymous with a public calling out of egregious behavior. Also, how you get lynched and still out here making movies? The whole living thing kinda nullifies this dumb AF “metaphor.”
The notion that "the law is neutral and objective" is a myth. The law has been wielded to impose slavery and Jim Crow, genocide of Native Americans and Chinese Exclusion Acts, Muslim Bans and voter suppression laws. The law isn't, and has never been, neutral.
Khaled Beydoun
Remember when Democrats reformed welfare to be more cruel and less effective, in an attempt to mollify conservatives? And then conservatives kept using the same racist clichés about it that they had since the '60s, because the facts never had anything to do with it?
David Roberts
If anti-racists aren't upsetting white supremacists, then we aren't doing our job!
"In the past twenty-five years, it has become increasingly apparent that, while much of the country has evolved beyond the death penalty, the states that remain most committed to it are those that once practiced slavery."
I'm a vet and I just don't understand why people think that flag matters more than the lives of my sons.
The fact that not being overly racist is viewed by some as allyship reveals how virulently racist and white supremacist this society truly is: that being a Nice and Good White Person is seen as something other than the norm. Oh, one more thing: Allies wouldn't get fatigued with the work of racial justice as quickly as some of you do. You're tired of talking about race. You're tired of political correctness. You're tired of wokeness. You're just tired... Honey, what have you actually done? If you're tired, and uncomfortable, and want the topic to go away because "we're all the same inside," just how the hell do you think the Rest of Us feel?
Ebony Elizabeth
I get invited to speak on panels about diversity in casting more than I actually get cast.
Hari Kondabolu
No one is explicitly addressing the narcissism and sociopathy of *mainstream* White American male culture from within its ranks. It’s literally shooting up the public square, desecrating the US government, waging endless war abroad/at home and killing the planet with IMPUNITY. We need to think long and hard about the historical/generational peer pressure that’s keeping the White American majority so firmly entrenched in the GOP’s back pocket. It has become a loyalty to Whiteness(TM) pledge above all else and is the original version of “identity politics”
Propane Jane @docrocktex26
White people are so mad when we speak another language. Like damn ya’ll colonised 90% of the world, and couldn’t pick up 1 or 2 languages on the way?
Miss me with any take that worries more about "division" and "polarization" than the issues we are divided and polarized about. If you are in opposition to my humanity, I will not be meeting you halfway on that.
jay smooth
When someone says "we've never been more divided as a country or we never never realized the racial injustices happening in this country, etc."
1. Ask them who is WE?
2. Ask if they've heard of the Civil War or Jim Crow?
Shana V. White
Black Lives Matter and MeToo and Occupy have generated more honest public discourse on how racism and sexism and capitalism impact every facet of American life. So when people say "we've never been more divided" I cant help but wonder if it's just that *their* myth of America has been upended
Clint Smith
Racism is not a matter of intelligence. It's a lie that only stupid people can be racist. Racism is and always has been about power. To make the argument that "better ideas" will win is beyond naive, to the point of willful blindness and an eagerness to do the work of racists.
Fact-checking is a good thing in itself but you can't really use fact checking to refute racist mythology, which has a hold on the part of the mind that is impervious to empiricism.
Jeet Heer
Common thing is white folks using examples of anti-black persecution as allegories for their own trials while still refusing to ever engage with black people saying they’re being persecuted
Y’all ever noticed that whenever a group of people talk about struggles they use black people as the standard for comparison BUT when black people talk about their own struggles other groups try to dismiss what we say as if we’re lying or exaggerating? Lol
Since we're apparently talking about the "real America" again: 56% of the population lives in metro areas with more than 1 million people, 68% in metros with less than 500K. No, small-town/rural isn't the real nation. Of course, a lot of this is just code for white people who don't mingle with others
Paul Krugman
Kanye West is given a public platform to say stupid shit in a country where Paul Robeson was deleted from history.
Hari Kondabolu
Could someone explain how the FBI can catch a bomber in 3 days but couldn't investigate Kavanaugh in 7 days. Is there something wrong with my thinking?Climate change, the IPCC report (though I've already reported some of those tweets here), and sustainable cities:
To the male partners of women who are considering having kids. When we had our first baby, [a friend who is] also a quality male told my partner something really valuable - don't let well-meaning older female relatives take the baby from you when it cries. Men: the baby is going to cry. You won't know what to do. Your female partner won't either because neither of you has done this before. But people will leave her to learn and will swoop in to "rescue" you from learning. DO NOT LET THEM. That's your job. Men: Unequal parenting starts with you not learning how to deal with an infant on your own terms, the same way your female partner has to learn. Patriarchal society will give you SO many opportunities to not learn. Resist them.
Maggie Koerth-Baker
wow this tea is brisk today:
Woman: 1 in 6 women are raped.
Man: I would never rape anyone.
Woman: ok but 17% of women are raped by a man.
Man: I'm skeptical. A tiny fraction of 1% of men have been falsely accused.
Woman: I would never falsely accuse someone.
WHAT IF gender reveal parties were thrown by the person whose gender it actually is, when they feel ready, instead of by parents making an event out of a cursory inspection of fetal genitals?
S. Bear Bergman
The condition of being enslaved structurally denied the prospect of consent. Why is this so hard for people to understand? I mean I know why, but it is infuriating and exhausting. Slavery was rape culture to its very core.
Imani Perry
One woman lying spoils the credibility of all women But one man raping or assaulting does not spoil the credibility of all men. If this is not male privilege then I don't know what is.
Mehreen Khawaja
From “credible witness” to “she’s remembering a different guy” to “hoax” to “he’s been proven innocent.” In order to subscribe to this party, you have to be willfully ignorant. I dislike Democrats, but the GOP is on a whole different trash tier.
Heather Anne Campbell
there's not a war on men, and there never has been. there is, however, a long-overdue war on rapists. the fact that so many republican men are confusing the two is very interesting
I will never get over the fact that they pilloried Serena Williams for a less emotional response than the one that put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.
Franklin Leonard
Couldn’t pass up this summer fun. Had to buy!
I'll never get over this: GOP blocked Merrick Garland's nomination for 293 days because it was "too close to the election" but voted to confirm Kavanaugh 30 days before midterms despite sham FBI investigation, lying under oath 10x, unhinged partisan temperament
Ari Berman
I don’t understand why we need a Columbus Day when this country celebrates incompetent white men failing up and taking what isn’t theirs all year round.
The irony is that 46 male senators voted to confirm Kavanaugh but that was expected so [Susan] Collins will be the one to burn.
"So, her life is wrecked, the President mocked her on live TV, and the guy who assaulted her and lost his mind at the hearings still gets the promotion where he'll make laws for women... until he dies?" My mom summarizing America from Canada is the darkest thing.
When Al Franken was accused of sexual impropriety, Susan Collins demanded he resign. Without a hearing.
Stephen King
Whatever happens today:
- Trump did not invent white supremacy or patriarchy.
- White supremacy and patriarchy will not end if Kavanaugh is not confirmed.
- Defy, disobey and disrupt white supremacy and patriarchy at every turn
- Make them fear you
Mona Eltahawy
51 Senators who represent 40% of the population will confirm a SCOTUS nominee who has the support of under 40% of the population, and was nominated by a man who came in 2nd in the popular vote. Can we stop saying the US is the greatest democracy in the world? It was never true.
Democracy??? So we'll have a Supreme Court justice who lied under oath, who was nominated by an unindicted co-conspirator president elected by a minority of voters. Kavanaugh will be confirmed by 51 Senators from states representing far less than a majority of the American people
Steven Greenhouse
Just a reminder that Susan Collins called on Al Franken to resign without the so-called due process and presumption of innocence that she claimed to be defending today regarding Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Shannon Watts
Susan Collins voting for Kavanaugh is the perfect snapshot of white women bringing Trump and his administration over the finish line.
wild to remember that the 700,000 Americans who live in Washington D.C. and the 3.3 million Americans who live in Puerto Rico have no say whatsoever in whether Kavanaugh goes on the Supreme Court for life while Wyoming's 600,000 Americans get 2 ballots in a likely 51-49 vote
Everything you need to know about Brett Kavanuagh's fitness for the bench, about his character as a judge, about who he is when it matters—every single thing—is that he would rather do this to the Court and the country than withdraw.
Susan Hennessey
We have to put up with rape scenes in every tv show, movie, and comic book because you say it makes them realistic. But as soon as a real woman comes out with a real rape accusation in real life, you claim it doesn’t really happen. Bullshit.
Pretty much:
Jennifer Mendelsohn @CleverTitleTK
A man who denies abusing women says that he wouldn't have been so angry and insulting if he hadn't been provoked. Look what you made him do. It is literally what people who abuse women say.
Chloe Angyal
Ain't no victim like a victim who is actually the predator.
Dear Republicans,
Worry less about your sons being “falsely accused.”
Worry more about your daughters being sexually assaulted — which is statistically waaaaaaay more likely — and then being mocked and smeared when they speak out.
Sally Kohn
Has anyone else noticed how refusing to just take the word of a man and asking for a fair investigation has been cast as an scurrilous attack on a good man's reputation? This is what male privilege looks like.
Kirsten Powers
I'm a mother of sons and I am deeply worried about their future. Because the same white people who would sacrifice their daughters to predators to bolster conservative politicians, who put guns over everything are the social descendants of those who clapped at lynchings.
Mikki Kendall @Karnythia
A guy who was making $200,000 a year at 3, and was a millionaire at 8, can't help but feel kinship with a guy who was an attempted rapist at 17.
Frank Conniff
So glad we elected Toxic Masculinity to be president instead of that emails lady.
I just find it interesting that all these folks who apparently lived their entire young adulthood through a continuous fog of blackout drunkenness and bar fights are *also* the chief hand-wringers about black crime
This Kavanaugh mess is a clear reminder that Trumpism is the firm belief that rich white guys should be able to get away with the things they imagine brown people are doing.
The Trump presidency, in one chyron:
Aaron Rupar
The party that chanted “lock her up!” over lax email protocols is now busy shrugging off allegations of sexual assault, repeated acts of perjury, and decades of tax evasion and fraud. That’s the self-styled “law and order” party, of course.
Kevin M. Kruse
The statistic that sticks with me: per a 2009 study in the journal Cancer, 21% of women got abandoned by their husbands while sick. Just 3% of men. Control group was 12% divorce rate. Cancer made husbands more likely to GTFO, women more likely to stay.
Naomi Kritzer
New study: Bitcoin is producing *more than double* the greenhouse gases of previous best estimates. That means despite its infinitesimal reach, the global Bitcoin network already uses a lot of electricity — about as much as the entire country of Austria.Health care:
Eric Holthaus
The sad truth is that bike helmets won't save a cyclist in the vast majority of car/bike crashes if the car is going above 20 mph. So why do we put so much pressure on riders on to strap in—and why *don't* we put more pressure on road engineers to slow the cars?
Strong Towns
If you are all so worried about the effect apartments have on the environment wait until you hear about cars
what if instead of showing miles per hour, your speedometer showed the likelihood that a pedestrian would die if you hit them at your travel speed
Strangers giving out poisoned candy has basically never happened, but traffic fatalities of children double every year on Halloween.
Anne Hidalgo [mayor of Paris]
The media industry see stuff like climate change coverage as bad for ratings, all while paroxysms of white supremacist terrorism, Nazism and the fomenting of hate are seen as great for ratings. The entire friggin' business model is part of the larger problem here.
David Sirota
“In Copenhagen specifically, cycling even increased more than 30% since 1998 while cycling related injuries decreased during the same period to one third.”
Fixing the roads is a winning position for local and state candidates, but a promise few can afford to keep. More honest positions:
—Scale back overbuilt road network; fewer lanes to maintain (and boost more efficient modes).
—Price roads to reflect the true cost of driving.
Justin Carinci
Sprawl costs 38% more upfront and 10% more ongoing, with 1/10th the tax revenue of compact growth: Report.
Brent Toderian
Similar to self-checkouts winding up being less about automation and more about shifting work from employees to customers, the big push in the world of autonomous vehicles is to make sure that the drivers and owners retain the legal liability when the AVs inevitably cause accidents.
I think we should start calling buses “ridesharing” and single occupant Lyfts and Ubers “ridehoarding.”
Christof Spieler
Repeat often: Old-school Indiana utility with 65% coal says replacing 75% in 5 years (and all in 10 years) with wind, solar, storage and demand response saves $4B over 30 years.
Michael Noble
It’s really rather stunning that we have had nearly 0.9C warming just since the year 1970:
Zeke Hausfather
It's been roughly 20 generations since Shakespeare. This planetary crisis will still be echoing in 200 generations. (Some impacts — like extinctions — are eternal.) Intergenerational justice through bold climate action now will always be the greatest good for the greatest number.
Alex Steffen
Someone [said] Uber and Lyft are essentially cars with stickers. I disagree. They are worse. Because they spend like 40% of their time deadheading. That is the functional equivalent of a zero-occupancy vehicle. We have thousands of vehicles just circling our most congested cities waiting to pick people up. It's very inefficient and harmful.
Angie Schmitt
Right-turn-on-red is a scourge against pedestrians and cyclists (i.e. your friends, family, and neighbors — and probably even you).
Lou Miranda
Raking yards seems like by-product of bad urban design. Like we are removing a natural important process for healthy ecosystems because our city streets and drainage systems were designed for cars, not people and living. Also, lawns. Another poor urban design.
The Democrats cannot both try to win the support of high-carbon industries and lead on climate. The two are opposite and contradictory goals—and only real climate action will bring them the momentum of an energized base.
Alex Steffen
"Ask not whether scooters are safe enough for your city, but whether your city is safe enough for people to get around in without the need for armor." Love this, @JDavidsonNYC
Kudos to the galaxy brains at the right-wing American Enterprise Institute for accidentally showing how investing in renewable energy is a much better way to create jobs than continuing to funnel massive subsidies to the oil/gas industry:
David Sirota
When our core neighborhoods are built around the car, it doesn't just hurt our city budgets. It also puts individual families in paralyzing debt just to afford the cars they need to participate in basic life. And then there's the subprime auto loans.
Strong Towns
We’re probably going to need a Disney princess who hates fossil fuels.
I don't think the very rich people who control the levers of power don't believe in climate change; I think they are banking on the fact that they have the resources to survive it while the rest of us perish. I think this is actually their preferred outcome.
Wow — state highway speed limit increases since the mid-90s led to an estimated 33,000 more traffic deaths (from a 2016 study)
Ethan Fawley
In some parts of the U.S., the amount of freshwater used for fracking is reaching or exceeding water use by people, agriculture and other industries combined.
InsideClimate News
It is disheartening, if unsurprising, to learn how many cities still think of biking and walking as part of their parks planning, not transportation. Doesn't bode well for climate change.
Young people: One day, you'll live in a carbon-zero world. The younger you are when that happens, the safer & more prosperous your family will be. Treat those who call for delay and gradualism as the enemies of your personal future, of your children's future—because they are.
Alex Steffen
i’m certainly no expert on climate change but from what i’ve read and know about it, i find it baffling that anyone who purports to care about pretty much *any* issue — whether immigration, poverty, national security, housing — would not see it as likely the most urgent issue of our time
Clint Smith
90% of the solutions tech wizards come up with for our transportation problems could be solved just by taking street space reserved for cars and designating it for more efficient modes
Angie Schmitt
it’s amazing how much people mocked al gore for talking about global warming just a few years ago. the man was treated like a walking joke. somebody's gonna stick that south park episode in a museum some day
Blacks and Native Americans make up 12.9% of the population, but they represent 22% of pedestrian deaths. In all, people of color are 54% more likely to be struck and killed while walking in the US.
Jeff Speck
Most unsustainable practices are only considered wealth-creators now because economics a) fundamentally under-estimatess the costs of physical system collapses, and b) systematically undervalues the future well-being of our kids and descendants.
Alex Steffen
One thing to note when people say "cars are good because disabled people": The fact it's simpler to get around in a 1.5 tonne car than a 10kg wheelchair is a ridiculous result of extremely skewed infrastructure priorities.
We could use more folks bringing kindness as a context for helping others navigate planetary and societal discontinuities, and fewer loud men talking about forcing people to face "hard truths." I am working, myself, to become more the former, less the latter. Kindness matters.
Alex Steffen
GHG PER HOUSEHOLD. “Cities are the Solution.”
Jeff Speck
Thought experiment: Take this commonly cited factoid about the efficiency of transit spending and apply it to highway spending:
OK, here’s the answer: Between 2005 and 2015, highway spending by all levels of government in the U.S. increased by 54% while vehicle travel increased by 3.3%. 1/
Tony Dutzik @FrontierTony
The more walkable we make our cities, the less they make us pollute. Torontans use one quarter the gasoline of Atlantans, and five times as much as Hong Kongers.
Jeff Speck
I did this comic back in 2003. The public process for urban highway expansion still offers citizens very few choices:
Ken Avidor
This is my bus approaching my stop...when I got on there were 41 people already on is stuck in congestion with the 22 people driving their own cars taking up 8x as much space...could really use some #buslanes:
Geoff Carleton
Our options, a recap:
- Disruptive climate action now, then decades of responding to climate impacts and instability.
- A decade of predatory delay, then disruptive action AND climate catastrophe.
Greater delay, then emergency climate action in a context of tragic planetary chaos.
Alex Steffen
ExxonMobil CEO Depressed After Realizing Earth Could End Before They Finish Extracting All The Oil
The Onion
The climate change news is so dire that cities should stop building bike lanes. Instead, they should just ban cars. #bancars
Bicycle Lobby
America, 2018 (via @TomTolesToons, @MichaelEMann):
Alex Steffen
Q: are drivers of cars also "avid"?
William Lindeke
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: "overpopulation" is a neo-malthusian myth that exists
1. to absolve the global north of its prime role in global warming, and
2. as a pretext to both active and passive ethnic cleansing once the first major waves of climate refugees arrive
Someone submitted this to NUMTOT today and like half the replies are some version of “blame corporations for climate change, not individuals” which is true, but totally misses the point here:
Bike lanes and bus lanes often appear empty because they work; they effectively move people from A to B. Car lanes often appear full (and slow moving) because cars are a wildly inefficient means of moving within cities, take up more space, and create their own congestion.
Patrick Traughber
London is literally banning cars from their city center and we're spending $50k/space to rebuild a ramp on prime real-estate. Good thing the planet isn't on fire - oh wait...
Just a reminder that most walking and biking infrastructure is really car infrastructure. People walking don’t need expensive curbs or sidewalks to walk, people driving need them so they stay out of the walking areas. And barriers need to be extremely strong to last.
Seattle Bike Blog
It’s wild that climate change is completely solvable, except that everyone in a position to solve it is an asshole
Almost everything about climate change is worse than it seems. And, 2018 will likely beat 2017 (which beat 2015) as the highest level of emissions in human history. We are making a bad problem worse at an increasingly bad rate.
Eric Holthaus
Autumn provides another reminder of why #GutterDoesntCount when measuring bike lane widths. Don’t let engineers and planners who don’t understand real world conditions for bicyclists try to tell you or elected officials otherwise:
There is a myth — often used by neighbors to thwart development - that affordable housing makes property values drop in the neighborhood. Study after study has disproved that
I’m so fcking exasperated that as catastrophe bears down on all the world’s children, greedy dirtbags have us stuck fighting over whether the U.S. should be a democracy or not.
Norway is now ready to turn all of its ferries electric, which should happen in the next six years and by 2026 will begin to restrict access to Norwegian waterways, by Norwegian law, to allow only zero-emission vessels
my swiftian proposal is that the boomers and genXrs sell their homes to millennials at a loss so the market can correct for the fact that wages will never be high enough to sustain the prices they drove up
Our choices in how we get around in cities come with footprints — a carbon footprint, and a space footprint. Both are critically important to our cities and our future. Graphic from @ElliotFishman @urbanthoughts11:
Brent Toderian
"Anyone concerned about the aesthetic impact of small backyard cottages should instead be worried about the aesthetics of the immediate indignity of a society that forces people into homelessness and the long-term disaster of rising sea levels eventually reclaiming the land."
Americans don’t “like driving cars” so much as they “like using a mode for which the entire system is built” - big difference. Same note, bicycling is unsafe AF bcs of said system. And gas is cheap.
The US is the only country this cruel and stupid: 42% of new cancer patients lose their life savings, study findsEducation:
It's hard to overstate how much flexibility states will have under the Trump administration's new guidance for ACA waivers. This will likely widen the gap between red states and blue states for access, affordability, regulation, and protections for pre-existing conditions.
Larry Levitt
There’s been a 212% total increase in the burden of deductibles across all workers in employer-sponsored health plans since 2008, as more covered workers have deductibles and the average amount has increased:
Kaiser Family Foundation
“It’s worth noting that Harvard and other elite colleges pay more in endowment management fees than they do in scholarships." –Jay Gonzalez, candidate for governor of MassachusettsIncome inequality, work, and economics:
How many children fail to get what they need, psychologically speaking, just because their parents are terrified that someone might regard them as insufficiently firm and "in control"?
Alfie Kohn
New rule. It's not a booming economy when:And, finally, the best of the rest:
- Real wages are lower today than in 1973
- Nearly 80% live paycheck to paycheck
- 62% of jobs can't support a middle class life
- 140 million Americans are either poor or low-income
- Half of older Americans have no retirement savings
Warren Gunnels
Economists reverse claims that $15 Seattle minimum wage hurt workers, now admit it was largely beneficial
Lisa M. Maatz
So much of what passes for “world-changing” in contemporary American life — from Silicon Valley “disruption” to corporate CSR to philanthropy — is putting lipstick on the pig of a bad power distribution.
Anand Giridharadas
When socialists put me in charge of their policy priorities even though I'm not really 100% aligned, task #1 is getting rid of the lottery. The lottery is class warfare by the government. So gross.
Angie Schmitt
The people bleating about *civility* are safely behind the walls of their gated communities with health insurance and safe housing while you're literally one paycheck away from ruin. Perhaps they have an interest in constantly raising the issue?
Few things annoy me more than all the “Please Play Responsibly” disclaimers on lottery ads. Look at the studies on who plays the lottery and with what frequency. Without problem gamblers, lotteries wouldn’t be economically viable. System built on addicts.
Zac Bissonnette
Billionaire charities are not really charities. They are public policy forums that set agendas for governments. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don't, but unlike elected governments, nobody can vote Bill Gates or the Clinton Foundation out of office if they screw up. What Big Philanthropy shows is not billionaires with a sense of social justice, but billionaires operating beyond the reach of social accountability. Even if they're just really nice guys who mean well, that's dangerous. In short: billionaires make their money by subverting some function of government, and spend their money by infringing on the role of public institutions. This is not generous, it is dangerous.
Zach Carter
When Republicans talk about cutting Social Security, remember: for 3 in 5 older Americans, Social Security accounts for over half their income and for 1/3 of older Americans, it accounts for 90% of their income. The average monthly SS check is just $1,413.
Steven Greenhouse
The problem with America is people that make $700 per hour have convinced people that make $25 per hour that people who make $7.25 per hour are the problem.
Mat Molina
If this is your first time seeing this graph, you have friends who haven’t seen it yet. Share far and wide:
Rep. Joe Kennedy III
It's funny how attacking a person for being rich is okay if they're an athlete, musician, or basically anyone who got where they are through talent and hard work. But not if they inherited a business empire like Trump or the Koch brothers.
I'm all for taxing the rich more, but if we don't enforce the law, it really doesn't matter what the tax rate is. The first priority has to be enforcement and serious penalties (i.e. jail)
Dean Baker
Our picture of poverty is dominated by the not-actually-typical experiences of poor neighborhoods in cities (Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Milwaukee) that happen to be located near top-notch sociology departments.
Matthew Yglesias
Going to Amsterdam for a few hours, then back to Brussels. As always I am fascinated by how close together things are in Europe. People keep telling me the train will take two hours and I don't have the heart to explain that's a trip from one end of Chicago to the other.
Mikki Kendall @Karnythia
I don't understand how everyone has so much time to listen to so many podcasts. People are just pretending right?
Sathnam Sanghera
Congrats to everyone running red lights to get home for trick or treaters
Chris Steller
Produce section humor. Thanks for the laugh, Seward Co-op:
Rick Nelson
it's hilarious and awesome that we invented telephones, used them for a hundred years, and then collectively decided they were awkward and stressful and we just wanted to send very fast letters instead
“87 percent of readers are less able to process the words than the people who produced them are. In fact, 14 to 20 percent of English North America doesn’t have enough reading skills to get through the day,” says Adrienne Montgomerie of the Society for Editing.
The seats in the new Library of Alexandria, Egypt.
Faith does not produce miracles. Faith makes excuses for the lack of miracles.
Hello fellow cis (non-trans) people. Important reminder that no one is asking for you to be trans, but simply for you to accept that some folks are. And that costs you literally nothing.
Dylan Marron
Why can't you just respectfully accept my opinion that you do not have the right to have opinions and should be politically ignored and denigrated. Let's agree to disagree about whether you're a person!
Guy Branum
Angry cashews:
Faces in Things
FOIA'ed documents obtained by a government watchdog show Rex Tillerson flew around the U.S. on military jets that cost $10,000/hour to operate. Several trips to his home state of Texas were described as "personal travel" on internal documents, HuffPost reports.
Kyle Griffin
The American need to make heroes of oppressors — an arrogant and ignorant practice — is self destructive and toxic. Your founding fathers aren't folk heroes. Your establishment faves don't care about you. There are real heroes in the world. You don't have to worship frauds.
If you’re ever with me and someone comes up to me and starts talking and I don’t introduce you, it’s strictly because I don’t remember their name. So please feel free to be a dope person and introduce yourself so I can then hear said name and pretend I knew it the whole time.
Start of a new project, maybe? Drawing plants is so therapeutic. This is Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). I’m thinking of making an alphabet of native northeast plants:
Rosemary Mosco
One of the joys of Twitter is to be lectured about something you've been involved in for decades by people who only heard of it last week
“Tell Natives they can’t be Native for 500 years and no one bats an eye. Tell white people they can’t be Native for Halloween and everyone loses their mind.”
Joe CrowShoe
“You can pray until you FAINT. But unless you get up and try to DO something, God’s not going to put it in your lap.” –Fannie Lou Hamer
Did you know that Elvis Presley got the polio shot on The Ed Sullivan Show in October 1956? The polio vaccination rate in America jumped from a measly 0.6% to over 80% in SIX MONTHS. Elvis basically eradicated polio in America.
A 2018 survey found 72% of women serving a life sentence for felony murder in California did not commit the homicide. The average age of people charged and sentenced under the felony murder rule in California was 20.
Brooklyn Defender Services
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