Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Ta-Nehisi Coates Speaking of Not-Faith

The public radio show On Being is created in Minnesota. I don't usually listen to it, since, as you may have guessed, I'm not exactly religious. If you don't know the show, it's helpful to know it used to be called Speaking of Faith.

But host Krista Tippett recently had a conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates that's well worth listening to (or reading as a transcript, if you want to spend less time on it).

They discuss the usual calls for Coates to "find hope" in our world (which he refuses to do), the nature of black atheism, and a lot more. So much truth in one place.

I recommend it.


Past posts about TNC:

Not to mention the many other times I've cited him in my Twitter round-ups and too-many-tabs posts.

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