Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Talking Cure: What Needs to Be Said?

Today, during a visit to the Weisman Art Museum at the University of Minnesota, I saw an exhibition called The Talking Cure. Most of it was a collection ceramic figures, each with its own audio story written and performed (and delivered through your phone).

But at one end was an installation designed as a way for viewers to participate. It looked like this:

Respondents were asked to take up paper and pencil and answer the question, "What needs to be said"?

Many of the messages were affirming statements about having a positive outlook ("Look on the bright side!", as if that never gets said), but others were more interesting, in my opinion:

And at least one that was funny in an unexpected way:

There was a lot of other cool artwork in the galleries throughout the museum, too. I haven't been to WAM in something close to a decade, and now wonder what I've been missing.

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