Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wallace Tripp, Illustrator

Digging through a box of stuff from high school and college, I came across my wall calendar from 1978-79. It featured the art of one of my favorite illustrators at the time, Wallace Tripp.

I originally knew his work from greeting cards, if remember I correctly, and was unaware that he also illustrated children's books. I hold him and his rodents responsible for my ongoing weakness for cutitude.

Giant mouse as King Kong figure, fighting off biplanes
I just learned tonight from reading Tripp's Wikipedia page that he is now 70 years old, and has been retired for 20 years due to Parkinson's Disease.

Western scene with small rodent leaping onto table, six-shooter in hand, yelling out Pass the mustard at a startled bobcat
I hope he knows how much his work is enjoyed and treasured.

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