Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Modern Dichotomy

I just noticed a new Sunday Weekend Edition sponsor on NPR, using this enigmatic tagline:

Graphic that reads Technology when you want it | People when you don't
What could it be for? I'm imagining a science fiction scenario, maybe something where we each have an avatar to represent us to the world, saving our precious mental capacity for high-quality personal interactions.

Oh, wait. It's for Esurance, which I guess is some new-fangled form of insurance. Drat.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking it was about de-socializing the web, which would be great.

    I was so frustrated when google started including social hits (friends' posts/buzzes/information) in their search results that I deleted my profile.

    I want to use technology without being bombarded with what my contacts think.


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