Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Fascinating Year at DN3

Graph of Daughter Number Three blog traffic for 2010
Lately, I've been excavating my closets and basement (which means there'll be lots of future "It Came from the Basement" posts), but today I'm cleaning out my site statistics.

Boring stuff first:
  • Browser use was more diversified than at any time I can recall (36% Firefox, 32% Internet Explorer, 22% Safari, 9% Chrome).
  • 70 percent of the visitors came to my site only once (sad face).
  • Visitors came from almost every country in the world. Though nobody likes me in Guyana, Greenland, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Laos, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria or more than half of Africa (visitors did come from Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, and South Africa)
  • Not surprisingly, of the U.S. states, Minnesota led with 31% of the traffic. New York was second with a little under 8%. Daughter Number Three is least popular in Delaware (.09% of the traffic).
My two most-visited posts of the year were about Universal Media Syndicate topics: the "diet" pill Apatrim and the Mira-Cool swamp cooler.

Search Me

In keeping with those stats, the most common search terms were related to Apatrim or Mira-Cool, followed by others connected to UMS or Arthur Middleton Capital Holdings. They must have been running a lot of ads this year.

Search terms, as Carmella recently reported, make for fun reading. Some were done by inexperienced searchers:
  • "michele bachmann + photo" (never heard of Google Images?)
  • lynne thigpen actress (as if she might get confused with some other Lynne Thigpen who wasn't an actress?)
  • what percent of people think stuff about the westing game (umm... everyone who reads it?)
  • 75 separate searches that started with the word "the" (Google ignores all articles unless they're included in a phrase that's in quotes)
Others are looking for such bizarre topics, I wish I knew the whole story:
  • i am a symbol of times past. the daughter of a sevivor of white men in
  • george santayana solvent
  • what does a enema pan beetle eat?
  • how do i make a health card
  • i found a bat where did it go
  • cow's perspective of sam westing in the westing game
Some are working on an assignment without benefit of reading the book first:
  • quotes from the ghost map with page numbers
  • why did the puritans hate the american indians and the pilgrims didn,t?
  • what are some quotes turtle uses in the book westing game
  • what happens in chapter 3 of how we decide
  • write outlines on how to steal a car by pete hautman
  • what two things nurture the seeds of totalitarianism (gee, are there only two?)
  • why resist feed in novel feed?
Still others combine typos with thinkos:
  • how to no which there and their it is (but no question how to know which no/know to use)
  • ammonia smell coming for beef (watch out, beef, the ammonia smell is coming for you!)
  • bacon lattice turkey (maybe they were looking for my post on a turkey covered in a lattice of bacon, but maybe they were looking for bacon lettuce turkey... who can tell?)
  • can u give me a card number and a scurity cold to upgread my yearbook (wow, I hope that person was typing in the dark)
And here's the one I found most interesting of all:
  • who is
This person spent 48 minutes on the main page of the site.


  1. I love this stuff! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Interesting factoids. I get a lot of hits from people who search for the Olive Garden's strawberry limoncello martini, since I once posted an adapted recipe for that. Most of those don't stay long enough to read what I've posted, and they don't come back, so the percentage of non-returning readers is high. Sigh.


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