Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Missed My Third Anniversary!

I've been at this blog thing so long, I forgot what day I started it. Daughter Number Three's anniversary was on December 16. Oops.

Snapshot of three dark-haired little girls sitting behind t.v. trays
This flattering photo is probably from summer 1962, when I was not quite 3. Check out those saddle shoes. And yes, we really did use T.V. trays.

As of today, the number of posts is 1,197 over 1,099 days. Here are my past anniversary posts (year 1 and year 2), with age-appropriate photos.

And just to combine all of my self-promotional babbling into a single post, I thought I'd point out that I was recently interviewed on


  1. Happy anniversary DN3! Long may you wave.

  2. Congrats on turning 3, Daughter #3.

  3. Wooo hooo! You have been posting since I was a pup.

    You remain by favorite blogger and source of daily inspiration.

  4. Congrats on three years and on being featured on, and thanks for including me in your list. It was fun checking out some of the other blogs you mentioned, too.

  5. Forget the saddle shoes. Those are absolutely the most bitchin' folding TV trays! What show do you reckon you were watching?

    I was just telling my (3) girls about the old-fashioned tin foil TV dinner trays and how you used to have to heat them in the actual over as opposed to the microwave. They didn't believe me.

    Third anniversary...hmmm. I think that's the lawn ornament anniversary. In any event, you're entitled to a garden gnome.


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