Friday, September 17, 2010

Minnesota Ties

Our local media like to use the phrase Minnesota ties when a national newsmaker isn't from Minnesota, but had some connection with the state at an earlier point in life. Usually, this means the person grew up here or still has family here.

The stories can be happy (designer Ramon Lawrence on Project Runway season 6) or sad (too many soldiers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan). Lately, I've heard the phrase a lot because of Shane Bauer, one of the American hikers held in Iranian jails for over a year. Bauer's mother lives in Minnesota.

Clearly, these are often serious stories. But the Minnesota media's constant need to insist there's a Minnesota angle on national stories deserves a tweak, right? Maybe even a sartorial twist?

Four ties with Paul Bunyan, a loon, IDS tower and hot dishes on them
Maybe Ramon Lawrence can add them to his upcoming fashion line.

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