Monday, September 6, 2010

Minnesota State Fair 2010, Part 1

It's that time of year in Minnesota again... the State Fair.

Wall mosaic that looks like a classic Greetings from Minnesota postcard
A mosaic I hadn't seen before, even thought it's been up since the sesquicentennial in 2008.

Food Building sign
They have a new sign on the Food Building. It's bad enough that the Fair -- where every square foot of walking space is paired with a square foot of food -- would have a building with such a generic name. But this new sign is even dumber than the name. Papyrus, outlined and on a curve, with a bulbous blue cloud around it (with yet another outline!) on a background that's supposed to be.... what? Beer? Fish scales? Urine through a glass darkly?

Small sign explaining the US has the cheapest food in the world
You can always learn something at the Fair, usually in the Horticulture building.

Red basket with small sign labeled 2-inch male $1.00
The Fair is also good for the odd sight gag. (Seen at Choo-Choo Bob's train store... those are wooden train track pieces in the basket.)

Green sign with white letters reading It's clean. It's simple.
The maker of this earnest sign in the Eco Experience forgot all about the apostrophes until it was too late.

Close up of the green sign. The apostrophes in It's were added on top of the plexiglass
Well, almost too late. Someone with a bit of Post-It note paper rescued the display.

Woman holding a gigantic, pink round stuffed animal pig. Nearby a man wears a shirt that says Suck on this, which has an arrow pointing at the pig
The Fair is a place of excess. And I swear, some people dig out their most offensive T-shirts just for the occasion. Others go in groups wearing matching clothes so they can find each other in the crowd. On this visit, I saw five members of a white family all dressed in colorful dashikis. Wish I had gotten their photo.

Outdoor lunch counter with handmade sign above that reads Absolutely nothing on a stick
There's at least one food place that has nothing on a stick. This place is clearly not part of any chain.

Yellow plastic ducks with orange bills, some with black sunglasses
I couldn't resist this bit of childhood memory, except I don't think the ducks were wearing sunglasses back in my day.

Giant metal bear, part of a kiddie ride
This bear is kind of creepy.

Plus a few classic Midway-at-night shots:

Yellow ladder-like tracks overhead

Colored lights of a ride, Magic Maze sign lit in the background

Ferris wheel with primary colored seats

Techno Power ride lights at night


  1. My guess is that the background of the Food Building sign depicts deep-frying. (Required in the preparation of anything labeled “food.’)

  2. I was confused at first, thinking that the background of the food building sign was marigolds. They are no doubt tasty when deep-fried, so that would explain it!

    I, too, remember the floating ducks from my a learning experience in how quickly money can disappear and leave you nothing to show for it! When my son was little he desperately wanted to play the ducks, and I explained the problem and convinced him to watch for a while and see how most children didn't win anything. He's a smart kid, so that was enough.

    And that creepy bear--an innocent children's ride, fun for the kiddies, and a quick way to remind my stomach that I can't go on any ride that goes in circles in more than one way at the same time. Plus it's about a hundred degrees inside that thing on a sunny day. Golly, I'm glad that he's too cool for rides just now!

    Now I need to go find someplace that will sell me chocolate-chip-cookies-on-a-stick...

  3. Great photos. I never want to carry my camera around at the fair, but this is a good reminder that it could be well worth it.


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