Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Differences without a Difference

A recent Pioneer Press story about the Food Safety Modernization Act included a list of foods that are regulated by either the Food and Drug Administration or the United States Department of Agriculture.

It made for a head-shaking read (did you know that closed-faced sandwiches are listed under the FDA, while open-faced ones are under the USDA?), but these particular items made me think the list was actually part of a long-lost Monty Python sketch:

Beef broth, dehydrated
Chicken broth, liquid
Chicken-flavored noodle soup

Beef broth, liquid
Chicken broth, dehydrated
Chicken noodle soup

In case you don't believe me, here's the list as it ran in the paper (unfortunately, it's not on their website):

List of similar foods regulated by the USDA or FDA

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