Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shampoo the Pooch

Natural pet supply store sign with tagline, Self-Serve Dog Wash
Clearly, I am not a dog owner. Is this common?

Seen in Lawrence, Kansas.


  1. There are several here in San's great way to get a walk in and a clean dog!

  2. For human equivalent, think self-serve enema...Evil!

  3. It just amazes me that I had no idea dog-washes existed.

  4. the dog wash at Pet Food Express here saved my butt one day, when a dog I was walking rolled in something *gross* before I could stop him. He got a looong walk that day as I walked my odoriferous charge over there end gave him a bath. His human loved getting a clean dog back and had a good laugh.

    Sorry're probably thinking he smelled just fine. I love that your human lets you use the computer.

  5. I will admit that washing the dog is a very wet and hairy business for all concerned...and my people wonder why their bathtub is always draining slowly...My solution of no baths is obviously falling on deaf ears. So I suppose a dog wash is good "chamber of horrors" solution to keeping the family bathroom clean, if one MUST make the pooch smell silly.

    Unemployed Dragon, I often lounge in my bed and dictate to my human who types pretty well-- as keyboards are onerous for those of us without digits. And voice recognition software has not yet gone to the dogs. Sigh...

  6. I recently saw a self-serve dog wash in Northeast Minneapolis / Columbia Heights (pretty sure it was on Central). While searching for that one, I came across this self-serve company in Southeast.


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