Saturday, August 21, 2010

L.A. Coincidental

I promise not to bore you with all of my photos of interesting signs from L.A., but here are a few non-sign shots that were fun.

Logo with a half green, half orange circle with each half showing pain or pleasure
Well, okay, this is a sign. But it's in here because I liked the logo symbol, not the type. So that doesn't count.

Vertical, hand-lettered red sign reading Jewelry
Well, I guess this is a sign also. But it's the last one, I promise.

Colorful sculpture hanging high above an atrium that goes down five or six floors
The Tom Bradley wing of the main L.A. public library. A beautiful building in all its parts.

45' records 49 cents
Those are some really biiiiiiiig records! (At a thrift store.)

La Brea Tar Pits with fake mammoths in peril
It looks like a diorama, doesn't it? I had no idea the La Brea Tar Pits were still bubbling. And the elephantequins look almost real in the tableau, which shows a mama mammoth trapped while daddy and baby cry out in distress from the shore.

Gray-green agave leaves with names scratched into them
In L.A., agaves grow so big and so old there's time to carve graffiti into them. Who knew.

Restroom door with updated wheelchair user symbol, more active looking
I finally saw the more-active version of the accessibility icon in use!

Walk of Stars star for Edward R Murrow
We didn't traipse along the entire Walk of Stars... maybe a quarter of it. I'm amazed how many names I didn't recognize or only vaguely recalled. But others were worth taking a photo of.

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