Friday, August 20, 2010

Eighteen Percent of Americans Make Me Tired

Visiting the West Coast means I am staying up two hours later than I'm accustomed to, and for some reason, my body hasn't agreed that the time zone has changed.

So here it is, 11:30 Pacific time, and I'll be lucky to sleep beyond 6:00 tomorrow morning. Plus, my internet connection is freaking out, so I'm not even sure I'll be able to post this.

All that to say, I'm feeling a bit too tired to write or even post photos for today. Tomorrow, I'll put up my photos from the Watts Towers, I promise.

But I leave you with this quote from today's New York Times, about the recent Pew poll that found almost 18 percent of Americans said they think Barack Obama is a Muslim:
The White House says Mr. Obama prays daily, sometimes in person or over the telephone with a small circle of Christian pastors. One of them, the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, who was also a spiritual adviser to former President George W. Bush, telephoned a reporter on Wednesday, at the White House’s behest. He said he was surprised that the number of Americans who say Mr. Obama is Muslim is growing.

“I must say,” Mr. Caldwell said, “never in the history of modern-day presidential politics has a president confessed his faith in the Lord, and folks basically call him a liar.”
On that note, I'm going to bed.

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