Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Got Photo Editor?

Teen boy sitting next to man in suit behind the man's desk
Today's Star Tribune had a nice column by Neal St. Anthony about mentoring programs for at-risk teens. St. Anthony did a good job of highlighting the work of Bolder Options, while mentioning other organizations like Search Institute and PPL.

But what does that kid's shirt say?

Closeup of boy's t-shirt, which looks like it says Got dick? but probably says Got luck?
I know the shirt probably says "got luck?", given the shamrock... and I know I tend to read into things rather freely.

But was this really the best photo among the ones the editor had to choose from? (In the age of the newspaper diaspora, was there an editor?)

I see the name in the photo credit is Neal St. Anthony, rather than one of the Strib's photographers. Wouldn't you think a word guy might notice something like that?

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee. Susan remembers when Whole Foods was RC Dick's...which is funny if you are a little dyslexic.


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