Monday, April 27, 2009

Natasha Saje: Love, Grief and 'The Wire'

Simplified illustration of a black man and white woman watching a glowing television setWriter Natasha Saje has created one of the most beautiful examples of a multi-themed personal essay I've ever seen.

Originally from the New York Times, then reprinted where I saw it in the Pioneer Press on Sunday, the story was called "We Watched 'The Wire' and Waited for Death."

Saje combines wrenching thoughts about true love, race, class, and the process of dying from cancer -- all against a backdrop of the best television show of all time. In just 1,600 coherent words.

It's quite an achievement.


Unknown said...

I would love to read this. Do you know where I might be able to find it? Thank you.

Daughter Number Three said...

Unfortunately, it appears to not be anywhere on the web that I can find. I hope she will publish it someday in a collection.