Saturday, March 28, 2009

Drawing Michele Bachmann

Pioneer Press illustrator David Steinlicht, blogging over at, posted a piece from his work life yesterday morning: a drawing of my nemesis Michele Bachmann, which had accompanied a PiPress editorial.

As David describes it, "This is a picture of Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann, who everyone loves. The Right loves Michele because she speaks The Truth without regard to consequences. The Left loves Michele because she's good entertainment."

David's words were later echoed by Tim O'Brien in the Star Tribune's Bloghouse column, which appeared the same day:

To conservative Republicans, she is one of the last true believers, a gladiator (gladiatrix?) against the creeping socialism offered by the Obama administration.

To liberal Democrats, she is a fundraising dream, a 24-hour gaffe machine who is the face of the real GOP.
All I know is she manages to raise my blood pressure on a regular basis, and that's not easy to do since I have low blood pressure.

1 comment:

Ms Sparrow said...

I am still "shocked and dismayed"
that our homegrown right-wing crackpot got reelected! OK, our state did elect Jesse Venutra for one term, but who were the crackpots who voted for Michele Bachmann twice!!