I mourn the passing of the newspapers along with you. The Marketplace of Ideas will not exist without including the newspaper media. I often feel like the daily paper is the only place that I'm going to get the full story. My heart goes out to all the folks who will miss their morning paper, and I live in dread of the day I may have to do the same.
Third of four daughters, raised in a rural area outside of a small town. Now living in a moderately large city, making media and immersed in other people's media. Finally cleaning out the filing cabinet and loading its contents to the cloud.
The Philosopher Kings by Jo Walton (rereading) and Killed by a Traffic Engineer: Shattering the Delusion that Science Underlies Our Transportation System by Wes Marshall
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World — and why Things Are Better than You Think by Hans Rosling, with Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Rönnlund
I imagine that newspaper final front pages will be an ongoing feature of your blog. Hmm.
I mourn the passing of the newspapers along with you. The Marketplace of Ideas will not exist without including the newspaper media. I often feel like the daily paper is the only place that I'm going to get the full story. My heart goes out to all the folks who will miss their morning paper, and I live in dread of the day I may have to do the same.
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