Monday, October 6, 2008

Pick-Your-Own Wisdom

On Sunday, it was time for the annual trip to the apple orchard.

We've been going to the same one for a dozen years or so. It was kind of rainy, so we didn't want to trust our behinds to the damp hay ride, and therefore walked out to the orchards, past the pumpkin patch. Serendipitously, I saw this sign along the way:

I'm not a hundred percent sure it's not intentional. Perhaps the sign painter is, like me, a fan of the immortal B. Kliban poem:

Love to eat them mousies
Mousies what I love to eat
Bite they little heads off
Nibble on they tiny feet
Then there is this fine combination of signs. These have been posted just like this for years:

Each year I expect this howler to be gone, either because the staff will have finally gotten the joke, or someone will have pointed it out to them. But no. There it is, year after year.

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