Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Barack Obama Live (or Maybe Not So Live)

Basically, I look for any excuse to blog live. So I thought, why not? How many times does a guy buy a half hour of television time on three networks and three cable channels?

More to come.

7:01 -- So far it's a bit like a Hal Riney-narrated documentary.

7:03 -- Rebecca Johnston, suburban mom. Minivan and all, in Missouri. Husband has a back injury, despite the fact that he has a factory job where he has to stand all day. Making it harder to make ends meet.

7:05 -- Back to Barack at the desk. Got the flag and the wedding photo in the background.

7:06 -- Middle class plans. Tax credits for hiring new employees (wahoo!). Low cost loans for small businesses.

7:07 -- Pensioner who lost most of his pension because the company went bankrupt.

7:08 -- Oklahoma Governor Strickland says, Imagine, a Democrat who's going to cut taxes. Sebelius of Kansas. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts.

7:09 -- Larry Stewart, B&O Railroad retiree (the one in the Monopoly game). Ohio residents. She takes 12 meds a day, and now they have no insurance (not on Medicare yet?). They've done a reverse mortgage on their house, and Larry has had to return to work at Walmart. He's 72.

7:11 -- Energy independence. Example of a Seattle company retrofitting schools. $15 billion a year on alternative energy and energy efficiency. Calling on every American to join in conservation efforts! Yes, let's have a Victory Garden at the White House as an example.

7:13 -- Iraq as part of the financial problem. CEO of Google. Tim Kaine of Virginia on encouraging entrepreneurs.

7:14 -- Juliana Sanchez. Widow with two kids and a mortgage in New Mexico. Works at a school for at-risk kids, and then a second job working with a special-needs kid. Also continuing her education.

7:16 -- His personal story. Shaped by his father's absence. (This material was in the DNC documentary.)

7:18 -- Education plans. Community service/military service for a tuition credit. Health care cost reduced substantially by electronic records (this always strikes me as being a bit like the peace dividend).

7:19 -- His mother's death made him realize that life is short and you need to seize the moment. "My mother never saw her grandchildren." Michelle on him and the kids.

7:21 -- Dick Durbin. Claire McCaskill. Joe Biden remembering Obama questioning Condoleeza Rice.

7:24 -- Kentuckian Mark Dowl, who works at a Ford plant. He and his wife Melinda both work at the plant; his hours have been cut back, and she's been laid off.

7:25 -- John Adams (retired general). Bill Richardson. Lots of hugs from white folks, but overall a good range of people are being shown.

7:28 -- Live in Florida. "In six days." Man, I can't wait for those six days to be over.

7:29 -- The call to action... knock on doors, make calls, get out and vote.

I wonder how they timed that out exactly...must have been fun on the teleprompter.

1 comment:

elena said...

I think it's the first time I've heard the "C" word (conservation) used by a presidential candidate. I was also struck by how compassionate the program was: shining a light on the stories of real people. They did seem like people I know. And no negative swipes on his opponent: that counts for a lot. The politics of competence: that seems to be the resumé we are being offered by Obama.