Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Paleo-Future Looks at the Future that Wasn't

Illustration of a guy in a space suit, wading in waterI've been wanting to write about the site www.paleofuture.com since Richard Chin did a write up about it in the Pioneer Press at the beginning of May, so here's the perfect excuse.

A recent post on www.paleofuture.com tells about a 1925 prediction by Cecil B. DeMille. With technological change, he said, he fully expected average people to be able to make movies in their homes and one day put Hollywood out of business.

Of course, DeMille thought this change would take about 20 years, which was overly optimistic, but still.

The Paleo-Future site is full of gems like this -- some canny predictions that have come to pass, and even more guesses that have not and usually seem pretty silly in retrospect, such as the one that foretold alcohol would be unknown by 2022.

The site is well worth checking out for both humor and perspective.

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