Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kids' Cookbooks a la Chris Monroe

I promise not to post any more of Chris Monroe's "Violet Days" after this. But this is such a great example of her strip, and how she uses it to unearth pop culture memories from her childhood...which, of course, resonate with the part of her audience that is older than 35 or so.

Kids Cookbook comic panels 1 and 2
Of course, my family had a cookbook just like this. It had a yellow cover and cool 60s-style illustrations (as well as funky color photos). I found a copy of it at a used bookstore a while ago.

Panels 3 and 4 including cottage cheese scoop with an ice cream cone for a hat, making a clown face
I think I remember that photo of the cottage cheese with the ice cream cone hat.

Panels 5 and 6
The ham drawing makes me think of the time my oldest sister made O'Blarney Beef and Potatoes (the potatoes were dyed green with food coloring). We all made fun of her.

I have to admit, the last frame makes it clear to me that Chris and I are not exactly the same age, since I think Steak Ums and the Fry Baby came out when I was in college.

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