Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Don't Know How They Mange It

You know how the weekend papers have columnists on medical and veterinary issues, answering questions from readers? I usually skim the medical ones, and skip the veterinary variety.

Well, today's Animal Doctor in the Star Tribune column caught my eye because I thought there was a typo in the headline. It read:

Dachshund's mange persists

You probably had no trouble reading it. But not me -- I read it three times and could make no sense of it, because I thought it said:

Dachshund's manage persists

Which obviously makes no sense, and like I said, I am probably the only person with this misreading problem.

I have a (possibly) unique history with the words manage and mange -- I once typeset the word "mangement" in 200 point type on a trade show display and it wasn't caught until the darn thing had been produced and delivered to the client.


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