Saturday, January 26, 2008

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge

Among the many books I've found at used bookstores and on remainder tables, an all-time favorite is one called Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge. (My copy has a price sticker on the cover that reads $1.98. What a buy!)

It has a great collection of unintentionally funny headlines that were collected by the Columbia Journalism Review. I guess it must be out of print, since Amazon only has 15 copies for sale.

Aside from the classic bad headline used as the title, it includes such priceless bits as "Mondale's offensive looks hard to beat," "British left waffles on Falklands," and "Kicking baby considered to be healthy."

Anyway. I thought of that book today when I saw this headline over a short AP story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press:

Teens disciplined for drinking photos

I guess that would look something like this:

Collaged photo of teens drinking with photographs replacing the shot glasses
Ouch. They'd better change their habits, or they might get pixelated!

1 comment:

elena said...

Hilarious! Love the way you created that image.